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Monster Collector - Browser Game Script


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A fun and profitable business proposition
Today online games are usually a highly profitable business due to the large number of users who daily look for new forms of entertainment, Monsters Collector Script can be installed on a website to be a browser game easy to understand and accessible from any computer or smartphone.

The game administrator can explore different sources of income such as the sale of coins and other items within the game, the implementation of advertising, not to mention the many other ways that can be implemented through external modules such as offerwalls or tasks, tournaments, the diamond shop, among many others.

Scalable and customizable
Monsters Collector, is a very versatile script based on the php programming language where the administrator can start his own monster collection game. The script is programmed in an organized way so that it can be easily modified.

We also have for sale different modules ready to install such as battles between players, card collection album with the option to award prizes to players, affiliate system, paid survey wall and many other modules. We are also working on the development of new modules: Friends, profiles, messages, tournaments, achievements, tops, contests and at least 30 other modules so that each administrator can customize their game to the maximum and thus achieve greater originality.

Possibility of growth
Monster Collector when combined with some modules can have hundreds of configuration options in your administrator panel and if you want to include something new you can quote with us new exclusive modules for your game.

You can also purchase the design service for new monsters or if instead of monsters you prefer your game to be of another theme such as vampires or mermaids you can also purchase the reskin service for your game. You can always continue to grow since with studios 23 you have a support team willing to provide services quickly, efficiently and economically.

A great choice for your next project
Monster Collector, when installed on a website, is presented as a fresh, comfortable and addictive proposal. Monster Collector has enough features to be a very engaging game.
The satisfaction that collecting different types of monsters can bring is always fun and creating a constant play cycle increases the desire to keep playing. The player can spend the time merging the eggs of their monsters to create evolved eggs that create better monsters.

These monsters need to feed to produce new eggs and for this there is a daily bonus system where the user can return to the site every day to play to earn coins and thus be able to feed their monsters. The script also has a store integrated with paypal where players can buy coins and thus obtain larger amounts instantly.

Main features

  • Coin store
  • Integrated with PayPal
  • Daily Bonus module included
  • Easy integration with extra modules to create great things like battles and prizes
  • Fully customizable from the admin panel
  • Responsive so that it can be played from any device
  • Integrated Google ReCaptcha
  • Integrated Google Analytics
  • Language system
  • 99% of the text is in a single file to be edited and translated
  • Languages English and Spanish included
  • Installation guide
  • Support team available to answer questions and errors that may be found in the script
  • Includes 30 monsters and 5 eggs
  • Add, remove and edit monsters and eggs from the admin panel
  • System to modify and suspend users
  • Basic configuration and advanced configuration in the admin panel
  • Mail confirmation system
  • Option to add gift coins to each new user
  • Administrative system of daily earnings statistics
  • Great growth potential


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Email: admin @ demo .com
Password: admin


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