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AdsKing - Advertisement Network Platform


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AdsKing - Advertisement Network Platform

AdsKing, a premium Ad network platform developed with PHP Laravel. Are you looking for Complete, Secure, Responsive, Unique and Inovative Ads network Script? then you are in the right place. Adsking is here to fullfill all your requirements. A script which meets all your Advertiser and Publishers business needs. All-in-one Solution For Start your own Ads network Website. Our scripts are developed by our in-house Developers. We always produce secure, reliable, efficient and scalable script. We are doing continuous improvements to make it more stable in long run. We are using the latest and advanced technology Where Security is our Primary concern. AdsKing,comes with both advertiser and publishers panel, where advertiser able to run there ads and publishers able to publish ads on there website to earn money. 

Advertiser Features:

»  Premium Dashboard.
»  Ads Management.
»  Report Management.
»  Plans Management.
»  Deposits Management.
»  Transactions Management.
»  Purchase Log.
»  Support Tickets Management.
»  Profile Management.
»  2FA Security Management.
»  SMS Notification.
»  Email Notification.
»  Telegram Notification.
»  And More...

Publisher Features:

»  Advance Dashboard.
»  Domains Management.
»  Ads Management.
»  Ad Report Management.
»  Earnings Management.
»  Withdraw Management.
»  Support Ticket Management.
»  Profile Management.
»  2FA Security Management.
»  SMS Notification.
»  Email Notification.
»  Telegram Notification.
»  And More...

Admin Features:

»  Premium Admin Dashboard.
»  Advertiser Management.
»  Publishers Management.
»  Ad Types Management.
»  Ads Management.
»  Plan Management.
»  Keywords Management.
»  Domain Management.
»  Deposit Methods Management.
»  Deposits Management.
»  Withdraw Methods Management.
»  Withdrawals Management.
»  Support Tickets Management.
»  Reports Management.
»  Subscribers Management.
»  System Settings.
»  Notification Settings.
»  Frontend Settings.
»  Update & Extensions Management.
»  System Management.
»  Logo & Favicon Management.
»  SEO Management.
»  Cookie Policy Management.
»  Captcha Management.
»  Language Management.
»  And More...

Script Comes With:

»  Cross Browser Optimized Responsive Template.
»  Excellent support with a fast response rate.
»  Fix any bugs or broken content.
»  Help get you setup and installed!
»  Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
»  Protects against CSRF attacks!
»  HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
»  Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
»  Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.
»  We Offer FREE Installation Service for Cpanel Based Hosting Only.
»  No Refund If Item has been Downloaded.

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