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RiseLab - Crowdfunding Platform Nulled 1.3

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About This File

RiseLab is a Funding and Donation Platform that makes a new world for each homeless child, women, and the poor. RiseLab is based on donors and companies in nearly every country in the world. This site will help fellow access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to serve their communities. This Funding and Donation Platform is endlessly appealing, feature-loaded, customized, and possesses the remarkable capability of running on all devices and operating systems. There are many powerful features available in this script for creating a full-featured crowdfunding platform.

Highlighted Features

- Fastest Donation and Funding option from everywhere.
- A clean and modern user interface.
- Dynamic search option
- Dynamic Admin and Userpannel.
- Various Payment Gateway.
- Latest and Updated funding news
- Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features.
- Easy Documentation.
- Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility.
- Regular updates facilities.
- Premium and quick support.

Admin Features

- 100% Secure Admin Dashboard.
- User Manager.
- Funding Category.
- Campaign Category.
- Success Story of Donation and Funds.
- Donation Category.
- Automated Payment Gateway Manager.
- Manual Payment Gateway Manager.
- Manual Withdrawals Manager.
- Various Payment Method.
- Currency Setup Manager.
- Email Manager.
- Report Manager.
- Support Ticket.
- Subscriber Manager.
- Basic Setting.
- Contact Setting.
- Logo & Favicon Setting.
- Core Feature Settings.
- Extension Manager.
- SEO Manager.
- Page Builder.
- And More….

User Features

- Clean User Interface.
- 100% Secure User Dashboard.
- KYC features.
- Attractive Frontend featurs.
- Latest and Updated Campaign.
- Success Story of Category.
- Manual Payment Gateway Manager.
- Transaction Logs.
- Manual Withdrawals Manager.
- Withdrawals Logs.
- Various Payment Gateway.
- Email Varified user.
- Support Ticket.
- Subscriber Manager.
- SCO Manager.
- And More….

Built for the future

- Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack are known to the world: bootstrap, laravel framework, jQuery, and Laravel for making everything realtime.


Demo Access:

Frontend: https://script.viserlab.com/riselab/
Admin Access: https://script.viserlab.com/riselab/admin
Admin Login: Username: admin | Password: admin

  • ThumbsUp 31
  • Really Like It 13

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